Cambridge continues the upwards trend to up 1 cents and close at 46.5 cents today. The last quarter report and dividend announcement should be out around end of Jan 2010. At the present pricing, the dividend yield is around 11.5% based on the last quarter dividend payout. Another thing to note is that the NAV for this counter is around 60 cents, thus I believe it still have a lot of room to rise. My target selling price is around 70 cents to 75 cents. At this price the approx. dividend yield will be around 7% which is not longer attractive taking into account the high gearing. So meanwhile I will just sit back and collect my dividend at the moment and wait for it to reach my target selling price.
Tomorrow is the xD date for GIL, I have expected the price to go down slightly in the afternoon trading. I have decided to hold on to this counter for the moment as it is giving good dividend and I see the potential in this counter for capital gain. I will expect the price to fall further tomorrow to around 23.5 cents to 24.5 cents and hopefully it can stay around there...
Another counter I wish to talk about it Transpac. Today the price of Transpac raised by 6 cents, the NAV for this counter is around $2.45. It should be releasing the last year report soon, hopefully we can see another round of dividend when this report comes out
The whole the portfolio went up $240 dollars (2.03%) to $12046.79/-. I have recovered the loss due to previous contra within this new portfolio. I will continue to maintain this cautious way of trading and hopeful to continue to make some profit in SGX... Good Night for now....
Cambridge Industrial Trust : $0.465 ($2325) +0.010
Digiland : $0.005 ($500) +0.000
GIL (CD): $0.250 ($1750) -0.010
Starhub : $2.140 ($2140) +0.000
Thakral : $0.075 ($750) -0.005
Transpac : $1.500 ($4500) +0.060
Cash : $11.79
Total Dividend Collected : $ 70.00 /-
Total Value : $12046.79/- +240.00
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