How many hours do you spend every day in front of the computer and surf the internet? Internet had become an important part of our life. Have you even though of earning some extra cash while surfing the internet? Of course, I am not talking about big money like what some website normally does to attract the attention of users. What I am saying here is totally free of charge. Just spend less than 5 min a day browse web clicking on ads and earn more than USD10 per year. I know it is not a lot but what do you lose? You are going to surf the web anyway… You don’t need to pay a single cent… So why not get a bit of extra bonus the end of the year.
The website that I am going to introduce is Clixsense in which uses just click and view ads and get paid for doing that… Totally free of charge… Of course, they do have some premium plan that need users need to pay around USD14.95 to get more ads and referral bonus. But I feel it is not used unless you want to help them find referral.
Presently, I am earn around 3.6 cents per day from Clixsense excluding any winning from their Clixgrid game which all user have 25 free play every day to win a maximum 5 dollars. 3.6 cents per day will work out to be more than USD13.00 per year. Not much but a small bonus at the end of the year for your "hardwork" in front of the computer surfing web..
Please click here to visit Clixsense to know more about how you can earn money by surfing ads…
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