Saturday, August 7, 2010

Investment - Portfolio Summary Update

I have applied for the DRP for Cambridge for the recently dividend distribution of 1.238 cents per share.  I feel that this will be a good way of reinvesting the dividend I get from Cambridge as I will not have to pay agent fee and the price of the counter is lower than market price.  CaptialComm have also announced a dividend distribution of 3.9 cents per share and I am now waiting for the report and dividend announcement from Comfort Delgro and CitySpring which will be coming next week.

List of Counters

Cambridge - 9 lots
Comfort Delgro - 2 lots
CitySpring - 4 lots
CapitalComm - 2 lots
Digiland - 100 lots
Noble Group - 2 lots

Total Capital : $19,000
Total Cash : $492.23
Total Value : $20,086.65
Gain/(Loss) : $1086.65


  1. Hi! It seems that both of us have similar investment strategies... Hope that we will visit each others blog to learn from each other.

  2. thanks for visiting my blog.. I am still new to investment.. hope that we can learn from each other....
